Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What do you see in the mirror?

For a human, looking at the mirror is as habitual as eating. It is an everyday occurence and for some, every hour!
When you check your mirror, what do you see? I mean, after checking your dress, hair, makeup etc. Beyond that. What do you see?
Did you ever look at a mirror and wonder how you might appear to others?
Sound weird? It is. It feels weird too. Atleast it did, when I tried to look at the person in the mirror as I would look at a stranger. I began to feel scared. I use 'scared' here for want of a better word. The feeling may be better explained as one of haunting bewilderment. But I did. It felt like I did not know the person in the mirror. That scared me because I always prided on the knowledge that none knew me better than I. But here, apparently, I'm not what I thought myself to be!
Does that sound crazy?
Let me illustrate with an example.
I have this complete obsession with straight hair. Be it man or woman, whenever I behold a head with straight hair spewing out of it, I immediately feel the little green monster in me arise. I personally do not have a great opinion about my own bunch (why else would there be the green monster!) At the best comparison, I would call myself Medusa-ic.
What really incenses me is having those lucky buggers with straight hair come upto me and go gushing "Oh I wish I had your beautiful curly/wavy(according to them) hair. Oh your hair is so much more lovelier than mine!!"
Can't they see the snakes of Medusa? Incidents like these led me to the mirror experiment.
Does everyone feel weirdly scared when they keep staring at their own reflection for a long time? I once shared my mirror experience with my cousin who (to my utter surprise) immediately responded with a "You too??". Oh it was so heartening to know that I wasn't alone in the bandwagon. But probably it only runs in the family.
Has this ever happened to you? If not in the past, I invite you now to take a good long look at yourself and tell me what you feel!


Bala said...

You Too ?

Girl of Destiny said...

Oh dear God...Thank you! Another in the bandwagon!!!

Nivi said...

i really lik ur bunch.. lol...

And I have had a similar exp.. will tel ya whn i meet ya... ;)

Girl of Destiny said...

//i really lik ur bunch//

this is exactly the kind of comment that drives me to crazy experiments!

tamizh said...

hahahaaaaa..... romba uthu gavanichu, thappu kandupidicha edhuvume nallarkadhu.... (this is my conclusion years before, becos of the same mirror experience)

Girl of Destiny said...

me went LOL at your comment!!

so.. i'm totally not alone under the 'crazy' banner!!!

Eastcoastdweller said...

Straight hair is as dull as a straight road, as a golf course lawn.

You gotta love your curly hair. Love it, flaunt it and enjoy the fact that some women pay good money or soak their heads with chemicals or burn their scalps to try to achieve the look that is natural to you.

Girl of Destiny said...

umm... I tend to like the undulating sheet of green of a golf lawn!
I guess you're showing the positve side but let me guess, you're one of those with the straight hair aren't you?

Eastcoastdweller said...

Straight and boring indeed. Maybe I should shave it all off.