Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Parallel Universe Theory

I was reading Micheal Crichton's Timeline when I came across this concept of "Parallel Universes" or the "Multiverse".
Multiverse sounds like a poem but it's not. It's the concept of many universes co existing paralelly. This also connects us to Time travel and stuff like these. The book was fascinating.
Can such a thing be?
Take, for example, me. When I'm at home, talking to my mother, I live in the world of relatives and their craziness. When I'm with my father, well that's a completely different world! When I'm with my cousin and family I live in a world of fun and well that's a different world too! With my friends it's a world of amazing camaraderie. With my colleagues, its a world of programming and deadlines and meetings and stuff. When I'm by myself, ah well, now that's a world I love. A world with my quirky thoughts and splendid dreams. parallel universes exist? Yessiree! At a teeny weeny tiny micro cosmic level they do...for me! And I know for a fact there are many kindred souls out there, existing in all their universes and going strong!
You go people!


Juvenile - J said...

with a very minimal idea about multiverse i comment..
i doubt the concept of multiverse, which u experience..
i believe it is just called the interpersonal relationship.. which definitely varies with every relation..
y do you cal this multiverse.. ?

Girl of Destiny said...

Ever heard of the expresssion..."Living in her own world" ?
If you can relate to that, you can then consider this situation as a concept of many worlds and many universes.
eh joe?

Juvenile - J said...

"living in her own world.."
hm.. multiverse.. parallel universe...
i would rather relate n consider this situation as a concept of *day dreaming*...
eh mat.?? ;)

Hameeduddin said...

hav u seen the movie 'time machine' ?...or the latest 'Deja vu'?...

Time travel is always fascinating...and Timeline was interesting too...

Girl of Destiny said...

Deja vu was and still is in my list of 'to be watched' :-)
I'll add Time machine too !